Shorts: Lush...Blouse: Forever21...Booties: Forever 21...Scarf: Lush...Sunnies: Marc Jacobs...Gold Cuff & Chain bracelet: Vintage (Grams' jewelery box!)...Necklace: Vintage (Mom's jewelry box!)...Wristlet: Marc by Marc Jacobs (oldie)
Hi! Hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend. I told you guys that I was going to be more prompt on my posting-so here I am! And, my exciting news for the day is that it has finally gotten somewhat chilly here. Hooray! This is probably not the greatest news for the tourists, but hey, I'm enjoying it. Finally I get to sport some of my winter gear. Of course, this "winter gear" I'm referring to is a scarf & some booties while still making do with shorts. Haha.
I am in love with this scarf. A bestie & I picked them up while I was visiting her in Portland. The southwest trend emerged about two years ago. In case you were not aware-I was born & raised in southern Arizona. Soooo I think it's kind of obvious why I'm a huge fan of this print. I grew up seeing southwestern printed blankets everywhere! These were among various other items...lamp shades, couch pillows, cowboy boots..you get the just of it...& now, I love that I can wear that print on just about anything-scarves, sweaters, dresses-even pants/leggings! I also really enjoy seeing the modern spin of the southwest print being made in color combos such as neons & pastels.
I wish you fashionistas a happy Tuesday! Talk to ya tomorrow!
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