Shirt: Zara...Pants: H&M...Boots: Frye...Scarf: A lucky find on the streets! (similar here)...Jacket: North Face...Bag: Fossil (similar here)...Bracelet: Free People...Earrings: Betsy & Iya...Finger Bling: Equinox Jewelers...Lipstick: Sephora Rouge in 'Jealous' & Revlon 'Just Enough Buff'...Boots pictured only in last photo: Frye...& Bicycle: Surly Cross-Check (frame built by hand by fiance Matt Wagoner!).
If you've ever gone on vacation you know that after all the planning is finished, it's time to pack your bags & head out! For most, this leads to the never ending question of 'what to wear.' (Although this happens to me on a daily basis, that's a different story haha.). My besties & I may originally all hail from the ole' Southwest, but we now reside all over the country. Of course, wherever it may be that we currently call our homes has a lot to do with our attire. A trend is very weather-based. But that's not all! Cultures, backgrounds, ethnicities, pop culture & art are all players in the fashion world. Thus, the trends of the season that we have come to love vary not only from season-to-season, but from coast-to-coast. With the help of some of my favorite lovely ladies, I've put together a week long blog on what's trending around the country this time of year! Whether you're headed to the west coast, southwest or back east-I've got ya covered!
For my 1st guest of the week, I'd like to introduce you to my dear friend Haley who resides in Portland, Oregon! Haley, aka Hales is a newly engaged lady whose wedding we are all dying in anticipation for!
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