Down by the Sea

Thursday, April 11, 2013

 Top: F21 (floral version here)...Shorts: Billabong...Bikini Top: Bikini Lab...Denim Jacket: Leith...Purse: Marc by Marc Jacobs..Sunnies: Marc Jacobs...Earrings: Target...Bracelets: Cara Accessories & Brina's Boutique...Bangles: Aldo (similar here)...Watch: Diesel.
    My the week has been flying by!  I have been a busy bee with home improvement projects.  I recently decided to do a fresh makeover to my home for Spring.  Thus, last week's DIY key rack.  I will be doing more projects as I have the time, so keep your eyes peeled.  I truly love making, creating, painting....& I would attribute that to my childhood.  My grandfather always had my brother & I using tools & equipment in his workshop, so my recent trips to Home Depot have been quite the trip down memory lane ha.  And, my mom always had my brother & I working on crafts on our days off...& I am happy to say that it has helped me to become quite the crafty gal.
       Happy Thursday...I'll be painting away.

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