DIY: Key Rack with Shelf

Saturday, April 6, 2013
Hardware Needed: 1 inch Corner Braces, Hooks (your choice) & Heavy Duty Ring Hangers...

Tools Needed: Wood Glue, Paint (your choice) & a Paintbrush...

Main Ingredients: Pine (Size is up to you) & Sandpaper.

1).  Paint your wood pieces.

2).  After paint dries, sand the boards down until your desired look of "aged" is reached, then place hooks in desired place & screw them in!

3). After all hooks are screwed on, use wood glue to attach boards together (top one on top of bottom) & then place braces on either side & screw in!  Paint a light coat over braces afterwards so they don't show.

4). Place hooks onto back on either side of board & screw in! (Only 2 needed).
5). Finished product!

Happy Saturday everyone!  Here is a simple fun project you can accomplish this weekend in no time at all!  Although I will be using mine mainly as a key rack, you can already see that my boyfriend has taken it over for his hats!  Ha.  Whatever purpose it serves you, its a great DIY project & easy way to keep things organized!  (As I personally am always scrambling to find my keys!)  All materials & tools you will need you can find at your local Home Depot!  Happy crafting!

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