Shirt: Nasty Gal...Bandeau: Free People...Blazer: Forever 21 (similar here)...Denim Shorts: Billabong...Shoes: Nike...Sunnies: Marc Jacobs...Gold Bracelets: Marc by Marc Jacobs (in-store only) & Alex & Ani...& Necklace: Cara Accessories.
Hi all! Happy Tuesday! I'm back from my amazing vaca! I know I promised you all the photos of some lovely Cali ladies...however, I have decided to postpone their debut until the next segment of 'what-to-wear coast to coast.' I hope that you thoroughly enjoyed seeing the first segment of my week of guests. Each one reps their part of the country very well & as you have seen, their personalities shine through their individual style- no matter what the weather. Thanks to all who participated (including the folks behind the cameras). With that said, I am back!
I think I love Southern California all too much...a large part of this being a few of my besties that reside there ha. The other part? The diversity that is seen throughout the areas. The county is full of everyone..the actress, the surfer, the model, writers, musicians, bloggers, stylists, designers, photographers, artists...& all those who aspire to be...the list goes on. I just love to visit & take it all in (sigh).
Although I visited a few different locations in LA, I chose to take snapshots in Venice. If you've been a follower of mine since the begining-you'll recall my last visit to Venice back in October. (And, if not, go check it out!) Venice is definitely one of the parts of the city where you can see the diversity. There are street artists, performers, sculptors, graffiti on almost every wall...surfers, the beach...& just a few miles in either direction you have the Venice Canals...& the Santa Monica Pier & the Promenade-full of great shopping! So, why wouldn't I love this area? Full of art, shopping, sand, sun & water-what more could a girl ask for? Ya, I'm pretty much sold on this area.
For this breezy sunny day... I sported some torn shorts for a casual look...but brought along a blazer to add a little sophistication for the chilly evening ahead. We walked the canals, the beach, then to the Pier & the Promenade...all the way to one of our favorite stores-the amazing Fred Segal of Santa Monica (double sigh). I decided for this amount of walking to try out my new wedge sneakers & see if they were as comfy as all the hype said they were. Let me tell you-these babies are my new favs! (The reason for the last pic haha.) They are stylish & beyond comfy! Leave it to Nike. And I thoroughly enjoy the neon pink laces & wedge-so girly! They are right up my alley.
Hope you guys are enjoying March thus far, & I'll talk to ya Thursday! Peace & love!
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